Information about Alavus Information about Alavus Information about Alavus Information about Alavus

Welcome to Alavus!

Finland's biggest department store, Village store Veljekset Keskinen, playground with Moomin theme, J-M Rally Parc Fermé, skydiving courses, local museums, amusement park Miljoona Tivoli, and a trainhotel. The country town of Alavus may surprise with its diversity. Offering shopping, art exhibitions and fun activities, Alavus is an excellent meeting place for all these.

The Village store Keskinen in Tuuri, located in Alavus, is a great tourist attraction with more than six million visitors annually. Additionally, the active and close to nature municipality offers various other things to see and do. The beautiful landscapes surrounded by lakes facilitate numerous sports and outdoor activities for everyone, while the several culture events entertain both the local community and visitors. For staying in Alavus overnight, there are several options including hotels, cosy cabins, as well as accommodation on a farm. During the summer it is possible to stay at the camping area in Tuuri or in Sepänniemen Lomakylä resort.

Alavus is located in South Ostrobothnia in the crossroads between road 66 and highway 18. The neighbouring municipalities are Seinäjoki, Kuortane, Alajärvi, Virrat, and Ähtäri.

 Welcome to Alavus!

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